For all of you that don't know what WTP means, it is "WHAT THE PUG?"! Much more polite that the other saying.
We got cats. Cats that don't belong to us, or live with us. We already have a 22 year old girl, Elmo, and Luca, the 9 year old lady. Well, this morning I found out why Mo, Yogi and Boo Boo were so curious about our shed in the backyard....CATS!!
One mother, to be specific, and at least FOUR kittens. I think Papa might be around too. After calling a friend in cat and feral cat rescue this morning, I put some food and water out. I checked on them this afternoon, and much of the food and water were gone, so I put two additional bowls out, as well as refilling the first bowls.
When I came back to check on them at 6:30, the kittens were wild, playing, wrestling, climbing, etc. Momma was hiding and keeping close watch. I still can't tell if she is feral, but she may be.
I checked once more an hour or so later, and another adult cat jumped out and ran, and I think it may be dad.
I have a cat rescue friend coming this weekend. In the meantime, I just want to keep them here and safe by feeding them, and giving them quiet.
The one who let me know of all of this this morning was my Mo. It was a real "Lassie" moment. He has been sitting by the shed, carefully but intensely looking in for a week now. I knew there was an adult cat in there, but had no idea about the kittens. Well, he showed them to me today. GOOD MO!!
Well, I will keep you posted. I hope the momma cat stays put until rescue can come. BTW, the kittens are at least 6 weeks old. They have open eyes and play. I just want the whole family to be safe.
Ciao for now...
Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will
be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
8 years ago
Oh my gosh Cammie . . . kittens! You are like a lightening rod for animals in need. I'll bet those kittens could use a little vet care by now, as could mama. Goodness knows you will make sure they are well taken care of.
Mo is one smart guy ; )
More critters Cammie! Howie has been asking for a kitten for years....
Nancy and the fattypugs
Hugs to you for feeding them and trying to keep them safe. I hope they all find good homes.
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