Well, I wrangled all the kittens last Wednesday. Two kittens were adopted by my wonderful neighbor, and two were adopted by Ric's niece. They are taming up nicely, eat out of their new mom's fingers, and play with the humans. My neighbor also took in the momma cat, who is not feral, but is definitely scared. She might not have had a home for a long time, but has one now. They will be working diligently with her, and she will be spayed very soon (she is indoors only now, but may already be pregnant). Papa cat lives across the street, under a big, beautiful willow tree. He is also not completely feral, but is a result of a neighbor down the block that does not vet their animals at all, even in the case of trauma, much less spay/neuter or vaccinate. He was caught yesterday, and was neutered today by Seattle's Feral Cat Project. He is back now, and is recovering from this rough day. He was "ear tipped", which you can read more about at the Feral Cat site. Basically, ear tipping ensures that feral/semi-feral cats don't get trapped more than once and brought into a clinic to be spayed/neutered. If a cat has an ear tip, they are immediately released. Also, if Animal Control traps them, they will be released with no risk of euthanasia.
It's been a long two weeks with the cats, then last night....
Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your Name. Your kingdom come, your will
be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
8 years ago
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