Great news!!! "Honey's" family found her!! Her real name is Hennessey, similar in sounds to Honey, too weird. Well, the woman that helped me get the tom cat across the street neutered, who I just met on Saturday minutes before Hennessey came over, called me from the grocery store a couple blocks from my house. She saw a flier of a missing dog that looked like her, and she wanted to tell me about it. I instantly went over there, where she was waiting for me, and it was indeed "Honey". I immediately started calling the phone numbers on the flier and left some messages. The owner called me back a couple hours later, saying that he had (smartly) gone to the Kent Shelter and he found her. I am just so thrilled that this story has a happy ending. He sounded like a very nice man, who had missed her terribly. Of course I pleaded with him to get her microchipped, and I am sure he will do so.
That's wonderful news Cammie! I love a happy ending. If only all animals could be so lucky.
I posted the other comment too hastily. So glad to hear that the owner found her :-)
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