This lovely lady came by our house last evening. No collar, microchip, etc. The pack barked their butts off at her through the chain link. She did not flinch, or bark back in return. Instead, when I walked out our gate, and called her, she came to me and instantly kissed my face all over, as if she had known me always. She spent the night in our studio/outbuilding, and was very well behaved. No messes, no chewing on furniture, etc. I did give her a good dinner, water, a couple chews, and some Acepromazine, (a low dose) which is a sedative. I only gave it to her because she would have no people with her through the night, and I know she was a little nervous. I just wanted her to have her chewie and a good night's sleep...
Unfortunately, she is at the shelter now. I could not keep her here, as much as I would have liked to. This girl knew how to "roll over" on command, as well as many other commands. With my geriatric pack, it would not be a good idea to add 70 lbs of muscle, that could easily accidentally knock Filo or Molly over. Also with the pugs, especially "Queen Bella", I was worried about the little pugs getting accidentally hurt. This Pit Lady did not show any kind of aggression towards dogs, food, people, anything!! My little Bella though, is a 19 lb spitfire alpha female, that would start something that could have been a problem.
So, with much heartbreak, I had animal control come and get the girl. I have made about a hundred posters and put them around my neighborhood, and have made an arrangement with Animal Control to contact me before she is PTS (laymans terms for Put to sleep). They will relenquish her to me, but I need to find her a foster, and for pitties, that is usually a challange. I tell you, this girl is one of the best behaved dogs I have met, but she is STRONG!!
Here is the post I made for the flier. Details are lacking as I did not not want the wrong element, i.e., people that abuse pitts for profit, to try to claim her without proof of ownership.
"Sweet, affectionate female American Pit Bull Terrier found Saturday evening, 7/19 near 18th Ave SW and SW 106th St.. Please call 206.XXX.XXXX and provide accurate description to claim or for info on her whereabouts (KCACC case number if they give me one). She will be going to the King County Shelter on 7/20, as I cannot keep her at my home. This dog is extremely well behaved and knows many commands. She is obviously someone’s loved pet and must be missed."
Please say a prayer that this girl finds her home, or a new home. She is an incredible animal.
So glad she was lead to your house... she is gorgeous...and what eyes... your are a real Dr. Doolittle.... and my Hero!
Did the animal shelter find a good home for "Honey"? I sure hope so after having read the story.
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