I hope you enjoy the photos! Let me know what you think.

My uber-handsome Filo, my "big boy"! I can't believe he is almost 13! Just look at his beautiful eyes!

Here is my little Monster, "El Monstro Pequéno"!! He is the Buddha pug for sure. Just look at that wisdom and that character!!

My beautiful little Bella. Check out that gray! She is the youngest pug of the pack at 8 1/2, and is twice as gray at least as all the others! She takes after her mom, LOL!
One of both Monster and Bella. Look at their paws, too cute!

Mo, geez, with all that fur, it is hard to believe he was almost bald when we adopted him!! (Scroll down the blog for photos of Mo just after he was rescued post Hurricane Katrina).

This is Yogi. Isn't he just too cute for words? That face just makes me happy. He sure has changed in personality since his Calcium Oxalate stones were removed. He is such a funny little guy!!

Here is little Boo Boo. Ric says he looks like a Koala in this picture. Truthfully, the seamless background was slippery, so a few of the dogs had a hard time sitting on it as their front feet kept sliding forward. They really had to get back on their butts to keep from sliding.
So, this is what we did Sunday night. I wish Molly would have participated, but at 16, she just doesn't have it in her. She also just wants to come right at my face whenever I try to take a photo of her. Hopefully I will get her next time.
Not bad looking models, eh?